Sunday, May 25, 2014

SPAIN - Vizcaya Bridge

"Vizcaya Bridge straddles the mouth of the Ibaizabal estuary, west of Bilbao. It was designed by the Basque architect Alberto de Palacio and completed in 1893. The 45-m-high bridge with its span of 160 m, merges 19th-century ironworking traditions with the then new lightweight technology of twisted steel ropes. It was the first bridge in the world to carry people and traffic on a high suspended gondola and was used as a model for many similar bridges in Europe, Africa and the America only a few of which survive. With its innovative use of lightweight twisted steel cables, it is regarded as one of the outstanding architectural iron constructions of the Industrial Revolution." -

The card I long waited for!
Thank you so much Rosalina for sharing this wonderful postcard with me!
I salute the man behind the making of this bridge...
You can watch more about the Vizcaya Bridge story HERE...

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